Should Franchisors Use LinkedIn to Help Recruit New Franchise Owners?
31 July 2014
By Web Strategy Plus
The simple answer to this question is yes. To elaborate, the reason franchisors should definitely use LinkedIn to help recruit new franchise owners is because this platform makes it surprisingly easy to find and connect with highly qualified potential owners.
Since LinkedIn can be a real goldmine for franchise recruiting, let’s take a look at six tips that will help you get the best results from your efforts:
Before you start with any of the other five tips, take time to ensure that your LinkedIn company page is complete. Not only do you want to fill out all the relevant information, but it’s also important to ensure it’s filled with rich and compelling content that’s going to catch the attention of someone who’s interested in becoming a franchise owner.
A great way to build credibility for your franchise and extend your word-of-mouth reach is to take the time to get LinkedIn recommendations from all of your current owners. By showing owners how to endorse your main company page, you can greatly increase the visibility of the page. You’ll also give potential owners a lot to get excited about when they visit your page.
By default, LinkedIn offers some great search features. But if you upgrade to a paid account (which starts at $19.99 a month), you’ll have access to even more focused search features. Since your franchise probably has a very clear idea of the attributes that make a great owner, LinkedIn’s search tool can be the ideal way to find people who possess all those attributes.
LinkedIn Groups are a great place to find and engage with people who are interested in owning a franchise. That being said, they’re not a place to make a sales pitch. Taking that approach will result in your brand being perceived as spammy. Since that’s something you definitely don’t want, be sure that you focus on adding value to discussions. And while there are already a lot of LinkedIn Groups, if you happen to find a gap in what currently exists, it may make sense to create your own group.
One element of your LinkedIn company page is the careers tab. Because this tab is designed to showcase new opportunities, it’s the ideal place to let people who visit your profile know more about what they can gain from becoming a franchise owner.
If you’re interested in putting your recruiting efforts on the fast track, you should consider LinkedIn advertising. Because LinkedIn’s advertising platforms provides very detailed targeting, it can work very well for getting your franchise in front of the right prospects.
If you’re interested in getting professional help with using social media for franchise recruiting or another purpose like franchise marketing, get in touch with us today so we can schedule a consultation.